A queue is a very useful data structure, so naturally we might want to implement one in Swift.

A Quick Queue Refresher

A queue is a list of generic values that allows you to insert (enqueue) values and remove (dequeue) values. The values will always be dequeued in the order in which they were enqueued (first in, first out, or FIFO order). A queue is most easily implemented by using a linked list, where you enqueue by adding to the end of the list and dequeue by popping from the start of the list. A linked list itself is made up of nodes, each of which contains a generic value and an optional reference to the next node. So what we want is to end up with something like this:

let queue = Queue<String>() // queue is empty
queue.enqueue("a")          // queue is "a"
queue.enqueue("b")          // queue is "a" -> "b"
queue.enqueue("c")          // queue is "a" -> "b" -> "c"
let _ = queue.dequeue()     // queue is "b" -> "c"
let _ = queue.dequeue()     // queue is "c"
queue.enqueue("d")          // queue is "c" -> "d"
let _ = queue.dequeue()     // queue is "d"
let _ = queue.dequeue()     // queue is empty

The Sad, Simple Struct

Ok, on to implementing. Right off the bat we would like to use a struct because it’s a value type (as opposed to a class which is a reference type) and it would be nice for our data structure to be a value type as well. However, when we try to implement a Node struct, we immediately run into a problem:

struct Node<Element> {
  let value: Element
  let next: Node<Element>?

This won’t build, and the compiler will tell you that structs can’t have recursive properties. Well that’s not fun. Then next thing to do would be to use a class and store everything by reference. But this is Swift. We want it to be Swifty! Luckily, there is a third type…

The Extraordinary Enum with an Incredible Indirect Case

While Swift disallows structs from having recursive properties, it very much allows this for enums with associated values. All you have to do is use the indirect keyword for the recursive case. We can define a queue very simply like this:

enum Queue<Element> {
  case empty
  indirect case node(value: Element, next: Queue<Element>)

The indirect keyword tells the compiler that the case contains a recursive reference to the enum itself. Alternatively you can put the indirect keyword before enum, but I prefer the clarity of having it before the recursive case.

What this implementation says is that a queue is either empty, or else it contains a value and another queue. That second queue itself may be empty (in which case the queue is finished) or hold another value and another queue, and so on. We don’t even need a node type - the queue is totally self-contained. We also don’t need to make the next associated value optional. It will always exist, but it will be the empty case if it’s the end of the list.

Enter Enqueue

What does the enqueue function look like for this enum? Let’s take a look:

mutating func enqueue(_ newValue: Element) { // 1
  guard case .node(let value, var next) = self else { // 2
    self = .node(value: newValue, next: .empty) // 3
  next.enqueue(newValue) // 4
  self = .node(value: value, next: next) // 5
  1. The function takes a single Element. Since this function changes the contents of self, it must be marked as mutating.
  2. Check that self is the .node case, and only then continue on to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 3 and return early. Notice that when we unwrap the next associated value, we do so with var. This is important because we will change it in step 4.
  3. If we are here then the queue is empty. So we set self to be a new queue with a value of newValue and an empty next, and we’re done.
  4. We recursively enqueue newValue into next. This travels all the way down the queue until it hits an .empty case.
  5. We set self to be a .node with an associated value of value (which it was already), but with the updated next (which contains newValue at the end).

Delightful Dequeue

So we’ve implemented enqueue recursively, but what about dequeue. Thankfully dequeue is much simpler:

mutating func dequeue() -> Element? { // 1
  guard case let .node(value, next)  = self else { return nil } // 2
  self = next // 3
  return value // 4
  1. The function removes the first Element from the queue and returns it. If it returns nil, that means the queue was empty. Note: if you’re planning on using dequeue purely to delete items without regard to saving their values, you can add @discardableResult before the function declaration.
  2. Check if self is the .node case and capture it’s associated values. If it’s not, then the queue is .empty and we return nil.
  3. Before returning value, set self to be whatever next is. This might be another .node, or it might be .empty if we just took out the last item.
  4. Return value, and we’re done.

Wonderful Wrappers

Yay! We’ve implemented a fully functional queue in Swift using a recursive enum. There’s one caveat though. Did you catch it?

There’s nothing preventing consumers of this enum from creating their own instances with Queue.empty or Queue.node(…) and circumventing our enqueue and dequeue functions entirely. To avoid this we might want to make the two cases private like this:

enum Queue<Element> {
  private case empty
  private indirect case node(value: Element, next: Queue<Element>)

But this won’t compile since you can’t make enum cases more private than the access level of the enum itself.

To solve this problem, we can make the enum fileprivate so that it can’t be accessed outside the file, and in the same file we can wrap our enum in a struct like this:

struct QueueStruct<Element> {
  private var head = Queue<Element>.empty

  mutating func enqueue(_ value: Element) {

  @discardableResult mutating func dequeue() -> Element? {
    return head.dequeue()

Personally I like naming the wrapping struct Queue, and then naming the underlying enum something else like QueueNode. It makes it cleaner to the public-facing API to have the struct simply named Queue.

And there you have it! A Swift Queue built with a struct with an underlying recursive enum.

Big-O Bonus Round

If you’ve been paying attention you’ll have noticed that while our dequeue function operates in constant, O(1) time, sadly our enqueue function operates in linear, O(n) time. This is because of the recursive call that walks all the way down to the end of the queue to insert new values.

Can we improve enqueue to be constant time? To do that we would need a way to immediately access the end of the queue to append new values.

Of course, we could reverse our implementation: have our queue start at the end with each node pointing backwards. This would make enqueue O(1), but would make dequeue O(n), since we would need to traverse the whole queue to get to the front.

Can we have it both ways? Well, enums don’t allow stored values. So if the enum itself refers to the front of the queue, we can’t also store the back of the queue.

In theory we could use circular, doubly lined list. Each node points to a next and a prev and the first and last nodes point to each other:

"a" <--> "b" <--> "c" <-
 ^                      |
 |                      |

Inserting would work like in any doubly linked list. For any node, its prev and next would point to itself:

prev.next == self
next.prev == self

If you want to insert node before self, you would need to re-wire four connections:

prev.next = node
node.prev = prev

node.next = self
self.prev = node

Unfortunately, while Swift enums can be recursive, they can’t recursively end up containing themselves (as far as I can tell). On the very first enqueue, we have a problem. We would need to do something like this:

guard case .node(let value, var prev, let next) = self else {
  // self was the empty case,
  // so we set self to a new node,
  // and we make both its prev and next point to itself.
  self = .node(value: newValue, prev: self, next: self)

This looks like it would work. But since Swift enums are value types, at the time when we do (..., prev: self, next: self), the value self is actually still .empty. It isn’t until after the assignment that self is a .node. So we end up with self being a single .node with a value, whose prev and next are both .empty, when what we really want if for prev and next to both be self recursively. This is something that could easily be accomplished with a class and pointers, but sadly is impossible with value types.

Another problem would be checking if we’ve deleted the last node when we dequeue. If that’s the case we would want to be sure to set self to .empty. In order to check for this we would need to do a comparison to see if prev, next, and self are all the same (i.e. there is only one node pointing to itself):

if (prev == self && next == self) {
  self = .empty

The issue is that == is not defined for enums. We have to define it ourselves. And in our case there are two ways to do that:

  1. Check the equality of the two values of the nodes, and recursively check the equality of prev and next. This means the equality check takes O(n) time, which in turn makes dequeue O(n).
  2. Limit our queue to having Set behavior (unique values), and just check the equality of the two values. If they’re the same, they must be the same node. This saves time on equality checks, but it means that on insertion we need to check the whole queue to make sure it doesn’t already contain the new value. This brings enqueue back to O(n) time.

Additionally, implementing == means that we would need to constrain Element to conforming to Compareable, which we didn’t need to do previously.


We learned how to make a value-type Queue using a struct and an enum. In doing so we had to make either enqueue or dequeue work in linear instead of constant time. But we gained simplicity and value-type behavior. This makes our queue more Swifty, and makes it friendly with other value-type data structures like graphs, trees, and sorting algorithms.

You can check out the full implementation of the Queue here.